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Auto Unstuck

Passivbot may be configured to realize losses. Applies to recursive and neat grid modes.


  • auto_unstuck_wallet_exposure_threshold
    Ratio of exposure to exposure_limit at which auto unstuck (AU) kicks in.
    if wallet_exposure / wallet_exposure_limit > (1 - auto_unstuck_wallet_exposure_threshold): enable AU
    auto_unstuck_wallet_exposure_threshold == 0.0: auto unstuck is disabled.
    auto_unstuck_wallet_exposure_threshold == 0.1: auto unstuck kicks in when exposure is 10% away from exposure_limit.
    auto_unstuck_wallet_exposure_threshold == 0.9: auto unstuck kicks in when exposure is 90% away from exposure_limit.
    auto_unstuck_wallet_exposure_threshold == 1.0: auto unstuck is always enabled.

  • auto_unstuck_qty_pct
    How much of max pos size to close.
    close_cost = balance * wallet_exposure_limit * auto_unstuck_qty_pct
    For example, if balance is $1000, wallet_exposure_limit=0.3 and auto_unstuck_qty_pct=0.02:
    close_cost == $1000 * 0.3 * 0.02 == $6.

  • ema_span_0, ema_span_1
    Bot uses three emas of spans: [span0, (span0 * span1)**0.5, span1], given in minutes.

  • auto_unstuck_ema_dist
    Close price distance from EMA band.
    Lower auto unstuck EMA band is min(ema0, ema1, ema2) * (1 - auto_unstuck_ema_dist).
    Upper auto unstuck EMA band is max(ema0, ema1, ema2) * (1 + auto_unstuck_ema_dist).

  • auto_unstuck_delay_minutes
    Timer for unstuck closes, given in minutes.
    if now - prev_AU_close_ts > auto_unstuck_delay: enable AU


auto_unstuck_wallet_exposure_threshold = 0.0 auto_unstuck_qty_pct = 0.0 auto_unstuck_ema_dist = 0.0 auto_unstuck_delay_minutes = 0.0 Auto unstuck is disabled.

auto_unstuck_wallet_exposure_threshold = 0.5 auto_unstuck_qty_pct = 0.01 auto_unstuck_ema_dist = 0.0 auto_unstuck_delay_minutes = 120.0 If bot is 50% or more exposed, close 1% of max pos size every two hours at EMA band.

auto_unstuck_wallet_exposure_threshold = 1.0 auto_unstuck_qty_pct = 0.1 auto_unstuck_ema_dist = -1.0 auto_unstuck_delay_minutes = 20.0 If there is any position, close 10% of max pos size every 20 minutes at current market price.

auto_unstuck_wallet_exposure_threshold = 0.2 auto_unstuck_qty_pct = 0.03 auto_unstuck_ema_dist = 0.003 auto_unstuck_delay_minutes = 720.0 If bot is 20% or more exposed, close 3% of max pos size every six hours 0.3% away from EMA band.